MADES will be presented in an own session at the technical concertation
meeting on Formal Methods for Components and Objects (FMCO 2010), that will be held 29 Nov. - 1. Dec. in Graz, Austria.
MADES Session will be held on 29th November afternoon as follows:
MADES 1: Andrey Sadovykh(Softeam)
MARTE based methodology and diagram support
MADES 2: Dimitris Kolovos <> (Univ. of York)
Model Transformations for Embedded System Design and Virtual Platforms
MADES 3: Matteo Rossi (Polit. di Milano)
UML-based Formal Verification of Embedded Systems
MADES 4: Alessandra Bagnato (TXT)
MARTE based modeling tools usage scenarios in avionics software development workflows