The MADES project seeks to collaborate with other projects that are developing related technologies for model driven embedded systems development. The MADES project is currently collaborating with the following projects.
The CHARTER project is addressing formal certification of embedded systems using model-driven development methods and tools. The CHARTER project includes the National Aeronautics Laboratory of the Netherlands (NLR) that carries out formal certification of RTCA-DO178B compliance for embedded avionics systems and includes industry partners from the medical and automotive domains where certification is also required. The CHARTER project complements the development work within the MADES project as CHARTER intends to ease, accelerate, and reduce the costs of formal certification of critical embedded systems by melding model driven development, rule-based compilation, and formal verification.
The aim of the ENOSYS project is to specify and develop a tool supported design flow for designing and implementing embedded systems by seamless integration of high-level system specifications, software code generation, hardware synthesis and design space exploration. The ENOSYS project will provide an integrated workbench combining SysML, MARTE and FalconML. The OMG SysML and MARTE will be evaluated and extended to address end-user demands and requirements for integration. The approach and the tool flow will be evaluated and validated with representative scenarios from the telecoms domain. The results will be reported and presented at OMG in order to influence standardization and improve opportunities for adoption.
Action for the Dissemination and Adoption of the MARTE and related Standards for component based middleware. ADAMS is a support action project funded in part by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007/IST/224330 ). The main objective of the ADAMS project is to promote the industrial exploitation and enhancement of the MARTE and other relevant standards for the development of real-time and embedded systems using both, model and component design paradigms. ADAMS will focus on promoting the usage of the OMG’s MARTE standard for MDD in both avionics and automotive domains. It intends to capture the concourse of the research community at large by promoting the visibility of MARTE in the various basic research forums that deal with different aspects of the embedded distributed systems development.
The CHESS project seeks to improve Model Driven Engineering practices and technologies to better address safety, reliability, performance, robustness and other extra-functional concerns while guaranteeing correctness of component development and composition. The objective is to reduce system development costs through extensive use of provable automation and model transformation engines specifically for high-integrity applications in the Railway, Space and Telecommunications domains, and through the identification of feasible solutions to complex system challenges earlier in the development process. The CHESS project provides additional analysis methods that may be combined with the MADES Tool Set to address analysis of additional extra-functional properties related to dependability while CHESS may be able to utilise the compile time virtualisation innovations from MADES to address the assembly of components with guarantees on more complex hardware platforms.
Emerging requirements are challenging our current knowledge about software engineering, and require a shift from the incremental improvements we have experienced in the past to radical changes to the way software is conceived, developed, and operated. In particular: (i) Software development and operation are increasingly decentralized; applications are composed dynamically out of parts that are developed and operated by independent parties. (ii) Changes in the requirements ask for continuous software adaptation and evolution. (iii) The infrastructures on which applications run are fully distributed and can change both in physical and in logical structure; the so-called Internet of Things is fostering a situation where computing power and connectivity are not only possible any-time and any-place, but also for any-thing. As a consequence, software must behave in a situational, self-managing manner.
The aim of the iFEST project is to specify and develop an integration framework for establishing and maintaining tool chains for the engineering of complex industrial embedded systems. Specific emphasis is placed on open tool chains for HW/SW co-design of heterogeneous and multi-core solutions, and life cycle support for an expected operational life time of several decades. iFEST is concerned with establishing tool chains through the use of integration technology which is tool-independent. iFEST’s main contribution will be in the definition and implementation of models and meta-models both for targeted application domains and for existing tools. Supported by the iFEST framework, these models and meta-models will allow different tool chains to be derived. In iFEST, meta-modelling approaches will be used to automatically implement necessary tool chain interfaces. These interfaces are expected to provide interoperability of tools.
The RECOMP (Reduced certification cost for trusted multi-core platforms) project with 41 partners aims to establish methods, tools and platforms for enabling cost-efficient certification and re-certification of safety-critical systems and mixed-criticality systems, i.e. systems containing safety-critical and non-safety-critical components. The increased numbers of cores is commonly regarded as a design challenge in the safety-critical area, as there are no established approaches to achieve certification. The aim of RECOMP is to define a European standard reference technology for mixed-criticality multi-core systems supported by the European tool vendors participating in RECOMP for the target domains of automotive systems, aerospace systems, industrial control systems, lifts and transportation systems.
DESTECS (Design Support and Tooling for Embedded Control Software) is working on the challenge of developing fault-tolerant embedded systems. They are focussed on developing design methods and tools that bridge the gap between the disciplines involved in designing an embedded system: systems, control, mechanical and software engineering, for example. These disciplines base design on different forms of models - some use discrete event models, and some use continuous time - inhibiting the ability to compare design alternatives rapidly and in particular to model faults and fault tolerance mechanisms that have to cross the boundaries between models. The project is developing methods and tools that combine continuous time system models with discrete event controller models through co-simulation to allow multidisciplinary modelling, including modelling of faults and fault tolerance mechanisms.
The T-CREST project is developing novel solutions for time-predictable multi-core and many-core system architectures. The resulting time-predictable resources (processor, interconnect, memories, etc) will be a good target for WCET analysis and the WCET performance will be outstanding compared to current processors. Time-predictable caching and time-predictable chip-multiprocessing (CMP) will provide a solution for the need of more processing power in the real-time domain. Alongside the hardware (processor, interconnect, memories), a compiler infrastructure will be developed in the project. WCET aware optimization methods will be developed along with detailed timing models such that the compiler benefits from the known behaviour of the hardware.
The PRESTO project aims at improving test-based embedded systems development and validation, while considering the constraints of industrial development processes. This project is based on the integration of test traces exploitation (generated by test execution in the software integration phase induced by the industrial development process, to validate the requirements of the system) along with platform models and design space exploration techniques. The expected result of the project is to establish functional and performance analysis and platform optimisation at an early stage of the design development using an approach to model the software/hardware allocation based on modelling frameworks such as the UML profile for model-driven development of Real Time and Embedded Systems (MARTE).
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