A MADES seminar was organized yesterday (24 September 2012) at CEA LIST Institute - LISE Laboratory of Model-Driven Engineering Applied to Embedded Systems in Paris.

Please find all the details of the seminar and the link to the presentation in here:


**UML, SysML and MARTE in Use, a High Level Methodology for Real-time and Embedded Systems**
Voilà les détails:
Lieu: salle 1073 (Nano-innov – Bat. 862)
Date: 24 Septembre 2012
Heure: 14:00 – 15:00
Orateur: Alessandra Bagnato
Titre: UML, SysML and MARTE in Use, a High Level Methodology for Real-time and Embedded Systems
Rapid evolution of real-time and embedded systems (RTES) is continuing at an increasing rate, and new methodologies and design tools are needed to reduce design complexity while decreasing development costs and integrating aspects such as verification and validation. Model-Driven Engineering offers an interesting solution to the above mentioned challenges and is being widely used in various industrial and academic research projects.
The proposed seminar aims at presenting the development context and needs that have fostered the creation of a methodology and a set of UML, SysML and MARTE model-based diagrams within the research and development work carried out EU funded MADES project [http://www.mades-project.org/] which aims to develop novel model-driven techniques to improve existing practices in development of RTES for avionics and surveillance embedded systems industries.
The seminar aims at highlighting the current practice and needs in real Avionics development case studies and in particular takes advantage of the vision of an avionics system integrator, highlighting the perspective of the different needs of its different customers within the Avionics industry that have been taken as a basis to build the methodology and the set of diagrams.
The MADES Project is expected to deliver important improvements in each phase of embedded systems development lifecycle by providing new tools and technologies that support design, validation, simulation, and code generation, while providing better support for component reuse.
MADES technologies are expected to reduce development costs of complex embedded systems for the Aerospace, Defence and other key European industries, while enabling a next generation of highly complex embedded systems to be developed that are more reliable, yet costing less to maintain and evolve as industry needs change and hardware capabilities increase. 


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