FMCO 2010 - Software Technologies Concertation on Formal Methods for Components and Objects

Event Details

FMCO 2010 -  Software Technologies Concertation on Formal Methods for Components and Objects

Time: November 29, 2010 at 9pm to November 1, 2011 at 7pm
Location: Graz Austria
Street: HOTEL DAS WEITZER Grieskai 12-16 8020 Graz Austria
City/Town: Graz Austria
Event Type: symposia
Organized By: Bernhard K. Aichernig, (IST, Graz University of Technology, Austria )
Latest Activity: Nov 25, 2010

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Event Description

Large and complex software systems provide the necessary infrastucture in all industries today. In order to construct such large systems in a systematic manner, the focus in the development methodologies has switched in the last two decades from functional issues to structural issues: both data and functions are encapsulated into software units which are integrated into large systems by means of various techniques supporting reusability and modifiability. This encapsulation principle is essential to both the object-oriented and the more recent component-based sofware engineering paradigms.

The objective of this symposium is to bring together researchers and practioners in the areas of software engineering and formal methods to discuss the concepts of reusability and modifiability in component-based and object-oriented software systems. This year the above objective will be realized by a concertation meeting of the following European IST projects and network in the seventh framework:

* AVANTSSAR, an FP7-STREP project on automated validation of trust and security of service-oriented architectures.
* DEPLOY, an FP7-IP project on industrial deployment of advanced system engineering methods for high productivity and dependability.
* ESF Cost Action IC0701, a European scientific cooperation an formal verification of object-oriented software.
* HATS, an FP7-IP project on highly adaptable and trustworthy software using formal models.
* INESS, an FP7-IP project on an integrated European railway signalling system.
* MADES, an FP7-STREP project on a model-driven approach to improve the current practice in the development of embedded systems.
* MOGENTES, an FP7-STREP project on model-based generation of tests for dependable embedded systems.
* MULTIFORM, an FP7-STREP project on integrated multi-formalism tool support for the design of networked embedded control systems.
* QUASIMODO, an FP7-STREP project on quantitative system properties in model-driven-design of embedded systems.

The symposium is a three days event organized to provide an atmosphere that fosters collaborative work, discussions and interaction. As every year, we plan to publish the contributions of the speakers after the symposium in volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science by Springer-Verlag.

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Comment by Alessandra Bagnato on November 25, 2010 at 5:29pm
MADES Session @ FMCO

MADES 1: Andrey Sadovykh(Softeam)
MARTE based methodology and diagram support

MADES 2: Dimitris Kolovos (Univ. of York)
Model Transformations for Embedded System Design and Virtual Platforms

MADES 3: Matteo Rossi (Polit. di Milano)
UML-based Formal Verification of Embedded Systems

MADES 4: Alessandra Bagnato (TXT)
MARTE based modeling tools usage scenarios in avionics software development workflows

Attending (1)

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