ARTEMIS and ITEA 2 CO-SUMMIT 2011 - 25 & 26 October 2011, Helsinki

This is the fourth time that the ARTEMIS and ITEA 2 CO-SUMMIT 2011 is going to take place. Details are available at:


Over 600 participants from industry, academia, public authorities and press are expected. An important component of the Co-summit 2011 is the exhibition of the projects emanating from the ARTEMIS calls of 2008, 2009 and 2010 – 34 in all – ranging from large-scale consortia to the smaller but cross-disciplinary projects.

In a global world Embedded Systems are a crucial key enabling technology for Europe’s industrial and societal future which the projects will showcase on the spot. For two days, the Marina Scandic Conference Center in Helsinki will be the global village for all actors in embedded systems.

The Co-summit is the main stage for the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking (ARTEMIS-JU) exhibition showcasing the 34 running ARTEMIS-JU projects, of which the 10 Call 2010 projects for the first time. Together with ITEA 2, this will yield over 75 projects that combine research excellence with innovation. This year's theme for this high level event is: Cross border challenges for clean technologies. New this year is therefore a joint area with ARTEMIS and EUREKA projects that are focused around Clean Technologies specifically. Next to this extra guided tours will take place on the ARTEMIS exhibition floor of the projects - for Public Authorities and for project leaders.

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